My husband has taken our families intake of sporting events and banter to a whole new level. WIth March Madness ensuing we constantly have a streaming ESPN radio network on one or both of our laptops. Also, the NFL draft is coming up soon and after Tebow's new throwing style the gator nation is all a buzz.
(see, I told you I am pretty aware of most sporting issues.)
Jack has now taken it to a whole other level. Last week our children's service was lacking something as we were doing the planning. We had done musical chairs, toilet paper mummies, and random mind teasers. We needed something different. We made our way to Lotte World. Lotte World is the closest thing to Wal-mart we have. Except it goes up instead of out. Each floor is a different variety of items ranging from car repair on top that connects the the parking garage to the bottom floor that is solely a grocery store. We ventured to the toy store in hopes to find something. There it was on sale. 16,000 won. A kids basketball hoop and two small bouncy basketballs. Since our service free throw game, the hoop has made its way to our loft balcony.
Yes. that's right, Jack has installed a basketball hoop in my living room. haha I only really hate it when he forgets how late he stays up and puts on his metaphorical superman cape* for his own version of the dunk contest. It isn't like I am asleep, I just worry about our poor neighbors.

The crowning moment of the sports world however happened tonight through this lanky red-head. I have been sick all week. I think I may have a sinus infection coupled with several flu symptoms (the regular kind, not the pig kind). Tonight was particularly rough. I had been dying all day and came home to actually throw up (sorry, gross over share- get over it). The point is I was pretty screwed up. I was laying down on the couch with a cool wet cloth over my eyes, completely sick. Jack was playing basketball and jokingly said I bet you cant make it.
You may call me Kryptonite. Blindfolded and sick I got nothing but net. It was amazing. I may not be good at real sports and I may never get a medal but as for tonight, the bragging rights are mine.
*For those who are not aware of sports pop culture, Dwight Howard wears a Superman Cape each year for the annual Dunk Contest. :)