Tonight was a fun adventure. Korea went head to head with Argentina tonight. It was not a pretty picture. Things looked a little hopeful at the half as Korea scored a goal to bring it to 2-1 just before the half. They could have brought it back but lets be honest. It is Argentina: the best team in the world.
The best part about the game was all the interesting and resourceful places I was able to watch the game. It began in the classroom. I said it. I watched TV in my classes tonight. My students did their work at super sonic speeds to be able to watch the game for the last ten minutes of class.
Along with the classroom, I also watched the game from a makeshift outdoor theater in Sang Mu. People were camped outside of Tom and Toms watching the game. Following that Jack and I headed out to go get dinner. We watched from the cab. All the taxis have tv Once we arrived at the bus terminal, we heard shouts from inside. I whipped out my cell phone and opened my KBS station on my phone.
You have to love a country where you can get network tv on almost every phone (not just on phones that cost over four hundred dollars). We finally arrived inside at U-square and got into TGI Fridays and requested a seat at the bar so we could watch the last half of the game. It was a nice evening, well until they lost. haha
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