Korea in Spring time is one of the most beautiful places as well as one of the most potentially painful. Sandstorms and/or duststorms affect the Korean peninsula each spring and come from the sand deserts of the Gobi region and Loess Plateau in the Asian continent. The area of Asian dust source regions cover most of northern China and Mongolia. What might look like pollen is actually a yellow dirt filled with sulfur and pollution that is kicked up by the winds in the Gobi region. When leaving the apartment some day what seemed like a cloudy day through the window turns out to be a dust filled day. Many Koreans wear medical masks on these days to offsets it's affects of the respiratory system. They can be quite severe with those with respiratory issues like me. I have borderline asthma which is induced by allergies. It is pretty rough but the great festivals of the season keep bringing me outside for more.
There are a number of festivals throughout the Spring season. There are lovely cherry blossom festivals all the way to a festival for anchovies. Quite a strange spectrum to go from end to end of but it is worth it. Last year we attended several of these. Included in our festivals were the bamboo festival as well as the green tea festival. This year I am hoping to go to the one of the many cherry blossom festivals as well as the Hampyeong butterfly festival. Now I just have to see if I can get Jack on board for this. Butterflies don't rank high on the manly scale. haha.

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